About the Society

The Auckland Philatelic Society is the oldest stamp club in Auckland. The first meetings were held in 1896, but it was not incorporated, in its present form, until 1922.

The Auckland Philatelic Society Inc. is a non-profit society that meets twice a month at the Mt. Albert Senior Citizens' Hall, in Wairere Road, Mt Albert, on the first and third Tuesday each month. Collectors swap and purchase stamps and gain information by meeting other collectors. Informational talks and workshops are arranged for every meeting.

We keep an extensive library of philatelic books and catalogues.

Annually, a local exhibition is held, where novice and experienced collectors can exhibit their collections, and have them judged by experienced judges.

An Exchange Branch provides stamps on approval to members, and this system can be used to sell your duplicates.

Four times a year, we hold our "all afternoon" sales of members' surplus material. Some great bargains can be had.

The Society publishes an informative Newsletter, which is mailed to all members five times a year.
Starting in 2018, newsletters will be emailed to members if requested by them. Please email the Secretary at aucklandphilatelic@gmail.com if you would like this to happen. Please ensure you keep your email address up to date.



1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026

Adult members $45 pa / plus partner $50 pa
Country members $35 pa / plus partner $40 pa

Junior members (Under 18 years at start of year) - free

Please add $10 if postal delivery of newsletters is preferred.

$5 discount if paid before April 30th


Payment methods:

  1. Internet Banking:
    ANZ 01 0102 0063264 00

    Please include your name and subscription year in the payment reference, and email aucklandphilatelic@gmail.com once paid.
  2. Bring cash or pay by EFTPOS at a club meeting.