Meetings for 2025
Evening meetings are held at the Mt Albert Senior Citizens Hall, 3B Wairere Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland, on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from February to November. At each meeting there are sales tables, and "items of interest" are displayed. A guest speaker and display are the main event of most meetings. The night wraps up with tea, coffee and biscuits. Visitors and new members are welcome. Doors open at 7.30 pm, and meetings start at 8.00 pm.
Red Dot Sales are at the same venue on 4 Saturdays during the year - doors open for viewing at 11.30 am and the sale gets underway at 12.30 pm.
This year we are also holding monthly meetings on Sunday afternoons at Ferndale House, 830 New North Rd, Mt Albert. Start time varies due to venue availability so please check the details below.
The APS Annual Exhibition for 2025 is moving to September and will be at a new venue - keep an eye out for more details.
The final Tuesday event of the year is the Christmas Party on the first Tuesday of December. There is live music, food, fun and a Prizegiving, and local stamp clubs are invited to come and celebrate with us. Bring a plate to share.
2025 | ||
Tuesday 4 February | A Holiday Destination: Member displays | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Saturday 8 February | RED DOT SALE | Senior Citizens Hall, 11.30 am |
Sunday 16 February | The 1935 Pictorials: Neil Harding - NSPS | Senior Citizens Hall, 11.30 am |
Tuesday 18 February | Bells: Jo Burgess - APS | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Tuesday 4 March | Historic Huts of Ross Dependency: Murray Parker - APS | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Sunday 16 March | James Berry: Tim Beach - NSPS | Ferndale House, 1.30 pm |
Tuesday 18 March | Judging and Improving your Exhibit: Martin Treadwell - APS | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Tuesday 1 April | Fakes, Frauds and Errors: Member displays | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Tuesday 15 April | Buying and Selling on the Internet: Nic Hendy - APS | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Sunday 20 April | Easter Sunday: no meeting | Ferndale House, 1.30 pm |
Tuesday 6 May | The 1960 Pictorials: Tim Beach - NSPS | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Saturday 10 May | RED DOT SALE | Senior Citizens Hall, 11.30 am |
Sunday 18 May | The APS Pacific Award 1-Page Competition | Ferndale House, 2.00 pm |
Tuesday 20 May | The APS Pacific Award 1-Page Competition: Final | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Tuesday 3 June | Immediate Post-War Germany: Peter Smith - APS | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |
Sunday 15 June | The Letters A, P, & S: Member displays | Ferndale House, 2.00 pm |
Tuesday 17 June | AGM and Member sales tables | Senior Citizens Hall, 7.30 pm |