Current auction:
The next APS Red Dot Sale will be held at the Mt Albert Senior Citizens Hall.
Red Dot Sale - 8 February 2025
Results from previous Red Dot Sales:
Want to add items to the next auction? Download lotting form (52Kb)
Note: The hardest aspect for the auctioneer was knowing at what price to open the bidding on box lots, accumulations and albums. To help with this task the lotting form has been redesigned with a column to indicate a value to start the bidding. This value should be lower than your estimate of sale and low enough to encourage more bidding. It is only a guide and the auctioneer will work down till they get an opening bid. If a catalogue value is given then there is no need of a starting price.
Some vendors have given better descriptions of the more complex lots and this has resulted in better offers from the postal bidders. For collections and accumulations, try to give an idea on the:-
- Age Range or Era
- Amount (Estimate of stamps or pages or weight)
- Countries or Areas (BC, Europe)
- Strength (where the main or best material)
- Note a couple of the best items
- Note any obvious defects and indicate if common material
These are items that we don't want because we have trouble selling them:-
- Solomon Island America's Cup books
- Stamp exhibition material (ie PalmPex, CanPex, Aupex, Auckland 1990 etc)
- NZ Post posters
- Old catalogues, prior to 2005 unless specialised
- Fantasy issues (unless in a bulk lot of other material)
- Common and modern used stamps on paper from between 1950 and 2005
- Used stamps with inkjet or machine cancellations
- Collections of first day covers issued between 1945 and 2000, unless rare postmarks, cancels, flight covers or very high denomination ($5 face value or plus stamps)
- Anything that is damaged, ripped, toned or foxed: stamps, cards, covers otherwise.
- Any items that catalogue under $5 unless in bundles
- Stamps described as mint, that are in fact mint no gum and unused.
- Packet stamps and CTOs like Hungary, Russia, Laos, Vietnam, Cuba etc and cheap thematics.
- "Donations" of cheap and accumulated stamps, they are usually hard to sell or dispose of, please give these to your local church, mission or Salvation Army/Opportunity shop type store. Or better yet give them to a child who shows an interest in stamps.
When making up lots, aim for a $5 to $20 sale as a minimum. A better result is likely when minor items are grouped together (ie a box lot) as they are more likely to attract spirited bidding than if they are put up singly as $1 or $2 items.
If in doubt, please contact us and we will answer within a week. Please do not be offended if we reject your items. Catalogues of stamp issues are in most branches of the Auckland and other city libraries and are often easy to take out. Any stamp or set catalogued under £5/$10 is a handling charge and not indicative of true value.
DISCLAIMER: We will take mint packs and Yearbooks of NZ, Australia and other known countries, however we can not guarantee you will get a high price, as most modern mint stamps are selling well below their face value. Typical buy in rates for NZ mint stamps are 40% face value or less.
If you have material for sale, or wish to receive a catalogue of items for sale, please contact Bruce Webber.